Providing a smoother
sourcing journey
Based in India, Berry Cotts is a full - service Textile Sourcing Agency. We offer both Fashion & Home Textile brands, consulting expertise in sourcing materials & merchandising.
Managing everything from customer services to distribution, Berry Cotts simplifies the ordering process for wholesalers, fashion brands through our networking offices across India.
We play a role as a mediator between our clients and the textile manufacturers in India, dedicating ourselves to sourcing the required textile products at best prices and timely deliveries.
Our Services
Managing everything from customer services to distribution, Berry Cotts simplifies the ordering process for all customers.
Involved in all stages of the supply-chain, we provide total quality management and significantly shorter lead times to make the best use of our quick response strategy.
With the advantage of geographical positioning to major markets and necessary infrastructure, we offer high flexibility and faster reactivity to market developments.